Therapeutic Horsemanship

Therapeutic riding is an equine-assisted activity for the purpose of contributing positively to the cognitive, physical, emotional and social well-being of individuals with special needs A disability does not have to limit a participant from riding a horse.  In fact, experiencing the motion of a horse can be very therapeutic. These unique benefits are derived from the transfer of movement from horse to rider. Lessons include: Basic riding instruction, Recreation, Sport, Therapy, and time spent on basic development concepts. Therapeutic riding works both “mind and muscle” to produce improved mobility, balance, posture, coordination, language development, behavior control and concentration. Participants also work on building relationships with their horses through groundwork integrating equine-human interaction, providing opportunities to learn such life skills as trust, respect, honesty, and communication. All of our therapeutic riding classes are taught by certified instructors and incorporate a wide range of therapeutic goals into each session.  Everyone of our participants is unique with their own set of goals and abilities making personalized programming critical.  This involves working with parents, therapists, and counselors to design sessions that will benefit a participants physical and emotional wellness.  Individuals ride weekly in private lessons or in small groups of three to four participants. Benefits to Therapeutic Riding: Physical:
  • Improved balance and coordination
  • Increased muscle tone and strength
  • Improved respiration and circulation
  • Triggers Verbal Capacity
  • Improved self-confidence
  • Increased interest in the outside world
  • Emotional control and self-discipline
  • Autonomy and sense of mastery
  • Friendships
  • Development of respect and love of animals
  • Increased experience and opportunities
  • Math and Counting
  • Sequencing, patterning, and motor planning
  • Improved eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills
  • Visual/spatial perception Life skills

Please download the following forms and bring with you to your initial appointment.